CEO Message

If a picture says a thousand words, imagine how many words a motion picture can say


I have been in love with films for as long as I can remember. That magical world we invent to inspire, and be inspired by. Regardless of all titles and classifications motion pictures may have, I truly believe that as long as it tells the right story, your story, the right way, then it is fulfilling the ultimate purpose, which is to be heard and understood. It does not matter whether it is a small self-recorded video you shared online, or a huge production feature movie, it is all about the story you are telling and the message you’re conveying.


AK films was established on the basis of that storytelling passion. Over here, we strongly maintain the belief that each has got an intriguing message to deliver to the world, whether it is by the means of a product, service, event, showcase, profile, documentary or narrative, it always contains a unique element and it always is an interesting message when it is communicated in the right manner.


Our work mindset is to simply be the client’s first audience, by always being invested in them and what they do, and that gives us the ability to bring out the uniqueness and special personality their ideas have.


AK films holds a big dream, which is to grow larger than life, equipped by a boundless passion, and love of cinema and storytelling art, aiming to one day become one of the leaders in the production business, and to inspire other media creators on all levels.