According to, there are 244 Media Production Houses in Dubai. But which one is right for you is the big question. There is a process of choosing a media production house. If you skip this process, your video campaign or marketing will suffer. So let’s learn how to hire a media production house, especially in Dubai.
Before you go in the search of a media production house, you need to know your goals. Although you can achieve multiple goals with your video campaigns, but you must be crystal clear about your primary goal.
You also need to be very clear about which medium or channel will give you maximum leverage in Dubai. To know this you can study the most successful video campaigns of your industry there. This will eliminate the guesswork and you will have insights to rely on.
When you are clear on your goal, medium, video campaign type; now you have to know your target audience. Knowing your target audience will help you craft a powerful video script. You can push their emotional hot buttons and influence them to take actions.
You have done the ground work which is of course the backbone of your video campaign, now it’s time to find a media production house in Dubai that can maximize your marketing impact.
Finding and hiring a media house gets easier when you have done your homework because you have data, strategies and powerful offers and message. You will also find it easy to set project expectations and estimations. Your communication with your media production house will improve drastically and they enjoy working with you.
Not every media production house is equal. So also need to judge a production houses based on the following criteria:
So, here you have it – your quick guide on how to hire a media production house in Dubai. There are so many media production houses emerging in the city, you need to be thoughtful while hiring them.
If you planning your next video campaign or event in Dubai, let’s discuss how you can maximize the impact. Book free consultation now!